My Name is Begum Ghulam Fatima Chuduary.
My Date of birth is 18 March 1981.
My Father Chuduary Asghar Ali (Late), had been working in Pakistan Railways as Commercial Supervisor, Migrated from New Dehli to Pakistan and settled Down here in Pakistan. I was 11th in my Siblings and stubborn.
My Mother name is Begum Kaneez Fatima(Late),she was house wife and worked as a tailor at home.
My two elder sisters are Ad Nurse and Homeo Pathetic Doctor
I belong from a poor family, I was born in Karachi, I had passed my Matriculation in 1997, I got in class 5th, which is my achievement in such a younger age, in these days I was offered from film industry,Madam Noor Jahan had sent a Offer letter to my father to join the Film industry but my father refused that offer .
My voice is very good , on wedding people invited to sing the song.
After completing the matriculation I had join Ayaz Soomo Nursing Institute which was near to home so I joined it and I got my job in that institution.
In 1st October 1997 I had join as Nurse in PTS Students which is training for B.sc as complementary.
I believe and faith in Imam Alamdar and Hazrat Maula Mushkil Kusha (P.B.U.H).
My family business is garments and other businesses.
I had completed my 8 years of training in nursing field.
I had been recognized as First Lady from Pakistan who had completed this 8 years training.
I had been register as Nursing Staff in the Pakistan Nursing Counsel in September 2005.
I got married in the middle class family on18 February 2001 , my husband was working as clerk in Pakistan Navy. My Ex Husband name was Nasir Rana Khan.
I had sent my Resume to Governor Sindh Ishrat ul Ibad Khan, he had a lot encourage me and gave me Rs.25,000/- as Reward.i got so many oppurtunities where I had been appreciated like in the hospitals and institutions which let me to great personality.
I had also appealed to Ex President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharaf for unemployment, I had sent my book to Mr President , which is now been published in 2014-2015.
My Name is Big Nurse is story of courage and dignity where a women faced so many difficulties and suffered some tough time but boldly face all circumstances and keep the hope alive. Which has first used in my book.
I have a capability to Recognized Pakistan name all over the world.
After reading my book , Ex President General Pervez Musharaf has award me as Big Nurse , this award been given by Pakistan Army Chief General Pervez Musharaf which make me a credible personality and successful person in this world. I promote the Nursing at the best level to recognize it as noble profession.
The Motive of my life is to serve Humanity and bring my courage to more to do for this noble profession.
I am president of SAARC Nursing Federation.
Rifat sultana had say the song in musical program while she earn the 2nd prize because of her great voice.
It was 1986 when 5th class student get 1st position from K.M.C girls school, Rukhsana Bibi got top position in 5th class in Karachi Board , and award for her achievement this award was given by Meher Afghan who was the famous politation at that time.
In 1983 General Ziaul Haq given award to her for her Excellence.
Kishwar Sultana is being working as Assistance Nurse.
Dr.Arshad Bibi , she was Assistance Nurse , she complete her D.H.M.S in 1998.
And she is working in hospital All Sisters , are award holders from Pakistan Military forces.
My Brother Amjad Ali Sultani Pakistan Muslim League(N), The General Sacetory For Sindh, The First Government of PML(N) Pakistan.
I Passed Law in 2011 with Specially Oppurtunity for Article 6 With Includeing a 10 Purpose write for Article 6, This Law in Human Rights from pakistan police, This including my name is big nurse in my book with section this law written etc.
I have passed Sindh Police Commission Examination in 2009. I have a first duty join Clifton Town PS Frere. I am a very happy my first day on duty in PS October 2009.
I have met Vice Chief Justice Iftikhar Chohdri in Lahore. I briefly explained unemployment resources of professional. But also in a good opportunity, poor people for this my appeal.
My house namely Chohdri House is in Lyari, Karachi where all the family lives
Was Honourable Chief, Honourable Staff, good appreciating and will good opportunity. I am very happy. I have done a good work for my country and I made the name of my country good. Also my honourable people are very happy and we will get very good response from the world.
My name is Big Nurse, specially opportunity internationally for this elements, purpose and quality of a good nurse. Briefly explain for international level which I wrote.
I present my book my name is big nurse to the president of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf. With details discussion and briefly explain article 6 and 10 purpose with a meeting president general musharraf details this book and this law independent woman right
The president of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf appreciated and give good opportunity for the discussion of this law.
That on 02-02-2015 I was meet with Ex-Army Chief and president of Pakistan General Pervaiz Musharaf in Karachi City in his house , during theis meeting I presented my book known as my name is big nurse and the ex-Army Chief was very happy about the said book, in which I have written a law of 2011 and then aim of Article 6 Briefly explained, and in this society one woman have right, full freedom and independent to fully supported to her leader, as such who was in Government or not in Government and this law and this law was effect in Government servant and woman have right to take legal protection for her as a Ex-Chief of Army Staff has appreciated me. and enlighten our country in a world, I am first lady of Pakistan which I had written in my book very important history of Ex-Chief president very priority give us, Government Marshal Law and sub jail Chak Shehzad Farm House Islamabad , it is also mention that book that I have been working for Ex-President who had been appreciating my work.i give priority to Ex-President of Pakistan as a military chief , because he is also winner of two wasts and it is very important for me as opportunity and showing my performance for Pakistan to enlighten in the world. It is privilege for me to serve for Pakistan as “My Name is Big Nurse”.
In meeting, I have been bagged "Begum Big G Fatima" as World Recognization by Ex- Chief of Army in his active Chief of Army and as a souvenir I had given him the book.the pride of performance including being a first lady Pakistan Police and Pakistan Nursing Council and the First Lady in the world was award by General Pervaiz Musharaf.
I had support and would support General Pervaiz Musharaf to serve the Pakistan and Leader. It is being promised to show loyality with Pakistan.
I had been working with I.G Sindh as Lady Police Officer like Babar Khattak ,Mushtaq Shah, Shahid Nadeem Baloch , Fayyaz Lagari, Wajid Durrani,Mehmood Iqbal, Ghulam Haider Jamali, my performance has been appreciated and keep my vision of Law ,the first Lady Police Officer who has written the law for INDEPENDENCY OF WOMEN RIGHTS and all professional womens,politition leaders on priority basis(Article 6).
I am the biggest fan of Shahid Afridi , from the day he had played his first match 1996.when he made World Record,i was also the class fellow and we were good friends.
He also sent Message to me ,when he performed on First Match, I had appreciated his performance , it has been the 19 great year of journey.
I take great interest and read magazine, watch TV , hope for his better career , he has personality of dominating personality , he is honest and kindly hearted personal. He also keeps the true spirit.
When I saw his first match , I was so glad , I was his class fellow , I said to him that we both have a bright future, and we are together in the future as well, and believe to perform better for the country, and we promised to have greater career life.
I promote his first ODI match to the people and appreciate his performance in his presence.
He also endorsed my commitment, he brings the fresh air in the Pakistan Cricket
When Shahid afridi joins PML-N in 14th April 2013, so it was red letter day for me as well because I have the same political background which I considered myself proud.and we keep equality in the political career, I had congratulate him and give appreciation for him.
I really feel proud that me and shahid afridi has similar personality ,attitude , age and activities,we both had promote Pakistan all over the world, we will remembered his hard work and strong struggle to recognize us.
Begum Ghulam Fatima Foundation has been started in 7th August 2015 for the purpose of serving the humanity and help poor people in their needs,which give accomplishment in the life and sole The foundation purposes are :
Help in the employment to people
Give opportunities to the women to serve in the society
Give women skills to work in the society to help to build the support
Deposit your Donation at : A/C - 00100344860014 Allied Bank of Pakistan
The Foundation Logo was issued on 10 September 2015, it is recognisation of Pakistan in the world, Named "Begum Ghulam Fatima Foundation"
I would appreciate people all over the world to support us with the promises of excellence in serving humanity and welfare for the people of Pakistan , so they can build their brighter career and life. Government of Pakistan appreciates my efforts to work for Pakistan from all over the world. I am first Nurse and Pakistani women who have establish their foundation, which also serve for nurses and other professional women.
Being a women nation , “pride of USA” titled by president Barrakh Obama 2015, we would serve at our best to bring it to all over the world.
General (R) Pervaiz Musharraf , Ex President of Pakistan has appreciated me , give good wishes for the success in the goal.
Shahid Khan Afridi has appreciated me , give message for good wishes for the success in the goal.